I don't come unannounced because I was taught to be polite and respectful.
I am scared of doing a peanut roll on the tramp because when I was little I fell off the tramp doing one. And we would put the hose on the tramp, lay underneath it and pretend it was raining.
I've always been a picky eater. Meatloaf is, how can I say this nicely, vomit. I wasn't allowed to leave the table until my food was gone. Let's just say I slept at the table more times then I can count.
I have a box with drawers in it that I got as a child and each drawer has something in it that I saved as a child and for some reason, I still can't get rid of it.
I remember sharing a room with my sister and we hated it then when we were separated, I would ask to sleep in her room. We would fight and get sent to our rooms then sit in our doorway and whisper across the hall. We never could stay mad at each other.
Once we found a garden snake in our backyard and we played on the tramp with it for hours.
We would catch spiders and feed them bugs. Even though they never ate them we still liked to pretend.
I had a "play room" in my old room upstairs (now it's just like a walkin closet) and we would play house.
My room was painted like a garden with a swing hanging from a tree.
I remember playing 4-square everyday at recess and always having blisters on my hands from the monkey bars.
I would stay in the bathroom during recess when it was cold outside because we weren't allowed inside.
The best day was when you had a sticker under your sandwich at lunch and you won the huge, frosted cookie with sprinkles.
The worst day was 4th grade field day.. That's the day my dog "T" died. He was 11 and we had to put him to sleep. We had him my entire life and I'll never forget missing most of field day. That was the best day of the year.
I had clogs that I wore everyday. They were disgusting and ugly. My mom finally had to throw them away while I was at school and I cried cuz I loved them.
I would wake up early so I could watch Clifford before I went to school.
Me and my two friends would do everything together. None of us were in the same grade but that didn't matter. Now they are both in college, we don't talk much now, but I will always remember growing up with them.
I wish I could go back to being worry and care free. Those were the days.
You could say I had a great childhood.
One to remember.
One to remember.
xoxo caroline
"I remember sharing a room with my sister and we hated it then when we were separated, I would ask to sleep in her room. We would fight and get sent to our rooms then sit in our doorway and whisper across the hall. We never could stay mad at each other." love love this its so true in many ways