Sunday, December 21, 2014

This is me.

This is it. 

This is me. 

I remember starting the semester and having to choose a pen name. I remember not wanting to tell anyone what I chose because I thought it was stupid so I changed it. 

I remember spending all my spare time reading the blogs but that shortly faded as people stopped caring and as I became too busy. I remember writing my posts the day they were assigned rather then the day they were due and they were always so much better.

I really like this class and if you really knew me then that would come as a surprise because I've always hated English classes. 

If you really knew me you would know I'm picky. And you would know how I hate the question "do you play sports?" 

You would know my friends call me mom. I don't know if that's a good thing or not but they say it's because I'm responsible. I say I hate it but secretly I like it. It shows how much they think of me. I'll probably never say that again, but thank you. Thank you for caring. 

If you really knew me you would know that I'm shy, I hate talking in class, and I hate people reading what I write, but this class made me do all of this and I loved it  

If you really knew me you would know my sister was diagnosed with Leukemia in March. You would know that she's only 4 and you would know that she is why I chose my name. She is my inspiration. 

If you really knew me you would know how hard it is for me to open up. 

Even if you knew me you wouldn't know my family is struggling financially. You wouldn't know why I can't have sleepovers. And you wouldn't know why I care so much because I don't even know. 

You wouldn't know because I don't tell anyone. 

I guess you know now. 

You might know that my dad has chronic pain and we can't figure out why. You might even know that I have a birthmark on my left arm. If you were wondering, it isn't a burn. 

So, let me reintroduce myself. 

Hi, I'm Samantha Raven 

Now you know the real me. 

This is me. 

Oh and Nelson,
thanks for the memories. This class has inspired me to be better. 

xoxo caroline 


  1. My eyes are a little watery. But I blinked it away because I'm a grownup.

  2. Samantha, I can't even begin to understand your pain and I am incredibly sorry for your situation. All j know is at school you are okay of the strongest and I want to be able to help you if I can. Your blog has been so amazing and k hope you never stop writing.

  3. Samantha, I have loved your blog from day one. I cannot even imagine how hard these trials must be for you but you are handling them so well. You are amazing.

  4. I LOVE SAMMY:):):) man I knew it as soon as the mom comment came up. And you would know how I hate the question "do you play sports?" <me too.
    Also you're a great writer, you shouldn't ever be shy to say what you have to say, it matters and is important.
    P.S. here for you through the hard times. it's hard for me to open up too.

  5. sammy is beautiful.
    and i'm lucky to call you my friend.
    your writing is real and honest just like you.
    love love love you

  6. This made me feel. Thanks for the honesty. Nice to meet you, Samantha.

  7. Basically cried, but tried not to, but I love your blog and feel honored that you've been so completely honest. Is move to truly meet you Samantha

  8. this is beautiful Sam. you are such an inspiration. thank you for sharing your beautiful writing.

  9. My friends call me mom too.

    And I don't know why I care so much either
    And yeah our English class is a little rough & boring but Nelson is good.

    Love your blog and I think you're absolutely beautiful.
